News:Campus tour Landgutgasse

Marco Seltenreich

by Marco Seltenreich

Prior to the commissioning of the Innerfavoriten Education Campus to the City of Vienna, Project Manager Markus Dusek and Armin Budler from STRABAG invited the employees of STRABAG Real Estate to a tour of the construction site.

The educational institution located in Vienna's 10th district offers a wide range of educational opportunities with a kindergarten with 12 groups, an all-day school for primary and secondary school with 29 classes, and a music school. In addition, there are creative, therapeutic and sporting areas that enrich learning in a variety of ways. Sufficient exercise is provided by the ground-level outdoor facilities, spacious terrace areas and a roof garden.

Modern and sustainable learning area

However, the modern campus is not only a place of learning, but also a pioneer in sustainability. The building is heated and cooled by means of geothermal probes, concrete core activation and a heat pump. In addition, a hybrid ventilation system ensures optimal air quality in the premises. The cantilevered terrace areas and generously planted troughs provide natural shade. With an external, automatic sunshade, optimal use of daylight is ensured and efficient energy consumption is made possible at the same time. To further promote sustainable energy production, a PV system was installed that uses renewable solar energy and thus contributes to reducing CO2 emissions. The Innerfavoritengasse education campus is being implemented by a consortium consisting of STRABAG Real Estate, HYPO NOE Leasing, Caverion and STRABAG AG in the form of a public-private partnership model, or "PPP" for short. Here, in addition to the planning and construction services, the financing and the 25-year operation are also provided by the private partner. The life cycle of a property is considered holistically in this contract model. The project is thus a sustainable example of a modern educational facility that optimally meets the needs of the children and young people and offers them the optimal conditions to learn successfully and with joy.


Marco Seltenreich

Marco Seltenreich

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